So we strolled through Highland Park and checked out all the rich, fancy houses. We heard lots of gossip and interesting stories. Ya know, the Who's Who of Dallas... like we could care. We laughed and told stories. Jennifer and I panicked about kids being warm enough and it was a chilly 79 degrees. It was greatness! We had snacks and drank wine and I loved every second of it.
At one point the "breaks" broke so Cussing Bunny asked me to stand in front of Remmy. Apparently, when you stand in front of him, he won't move. Thankfully it worked.
Isn't he handsome? I seriously love this horse.
Isn't he handsome? I seriously love this horse.
Anyway, Kelby jumped off and helped the Cussing Elf fix things and then we were on our merry little way. A couple of times he tried to show the cars who was boss and barrell us through stop signs and traffic lights... Bunny flipped... and cussed... and for some reason I thought it was hilarious. Not sure why but it WAS funny. It was stinky though because Ry and Maddox are at an age that they can pick that up. Jennifer said she'd let me know if she got home and Ry was cussing and throwing toys this week. Oye! Sure hope not!!!
Once we got back we headed over to Chili's for dinner. What an event that was. Three tired, excited, VERY happy kids. They all appeared starving when we got there and I'm quite sure they didn't eat a thing (which surprisingly flips Kelby out so he and I traded... "does your kid ever eat" stories. Moments like those make me feel normal).
This other horse is Chief. He was pretty and I loved him until I saw OUR horse. And again...Chief, you are a cutie. But you've got nuttin' on my Sossy!!
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