Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tristan's Valentine's Day

Sorry I've been gone so long!  Been soooooooooooooo busy!  My little man had a great Valentine's Day... Grandma sent him books, Grandpa sent him toys, and he had so many asking to be his Valentine!!  I saved them all (Tracy, Aunt Jeanne and Uncle John, Unkie and Aunt Sue) and many more...

It's been really fun to think of traditions and HOW to celebrate. It's different than with my other kids. When Brittany and Rally were little, I could do ANYTHING because I had a girl so you can get a way with oooey-gooey stuff...but, when you have JUST a boy, I realize I can't be too mushy with traditions or he'll pull the "Oooooooh Mom, nooooooooo - you are SO embarrassing... don't do this anymore" BUT if I'm COOL, then I'm safe.  So... I'm plotting and planning.

Books from Grandma.... two of Mommy's favorites!!

Look out Seth... we have another train lover.... this is from Grandpa (I was playing with it yesterday,  it whistles like a real train and the face lights up like a flash light - it's awesome!!)

This is for the bath tub... we played with it last night.  Tristan is now working on saying CHOO CHOO

More Valentines...

Front of the train that Mommy loves  - hee, hee, hee

Note from his old Nanny... Ms. Bertie... we brought her a Valentine!!

My cute little man.. even when he's sick!!

(In the jammies from Aunt Tracy - see Pook, he's ready fr St. Patty's Day!!)

Handsome........  *SIGH*

More to come...... Love you all!!

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