Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Friday, January 14, 2011

Two? How did that happen?

Oh my, another year has passed.  I'm not entirely sure where the time has gone but indeed... it has.

Tristan, I could never have imagined that you could bring this much joy into my life.  You are hilarious, you are a little stinker and stubborn just like your mama.  You are adventurous and wild like your daddy and you even crack yourself up most days... who would have known. 

You are known as "My teddy bear" at school and all the teachers fight over you.  You don't really like to snuggle but you must love them because they snuggle you a lot and you don't mind.

Last night when Simba hurt my ribs (again) you patted my pack and said "It Ok Mommy, OWIE... it ok.  Bad doggie, bad! It ok Mommy" and kissed me to make me feel better.

You pat the dogs and tell them they are good boys, you also yell at them (like we do *SIGH*) and tell them to sit, back-up and no dog dog! 

You have sword fights with your daddy and now try to even have them in the bathtub,

You can dribble a soccer ball and hit a baseball like no other... I think I see sports in your future.

You love to dance, you love to giggle and for some reason you LOVE to pick up dog poop.

You suddenly like the light on when you go to bed, you still LOVE your THREE blankies and you hate jeans, socks and absolutely detest jackets and hats.  We're still fighting you on the jacket and we WILL win... but occasionally, you still have victory.

You are my brave sweet boy and I couldn't be more proud of you.  Daddy and I are preparing our A-Game... gotta get teaching you about God, about giving and about leaving this world better than you found it.  But, we also need to protect you and provide for you so that you can be a crazy little tornado.

I love you, onto year 3 we go.  Hope to see everyone at the new blog.!

I love you more than you can imagine... and I always will.

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Splish splash I was takin' a bath...

Bubble boy!!

YUMMY (bleck!)

Gonna wash Elmo now....

he wasn't thrilled that I was taking pictures....

but he tolerated...

and found his foot...
and played peek-a-boo

and ate bubbles...

and spit bubbles....

and glared again...

and dumped his toys out for the 10th time in rebellion!

he knew I was "busy"

and then he showed off and "kicked" in the water...too cute!

Wanna come pway wif me??

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mommy raked.....

Tristan enjoyed!

think he liked it??

GIFTS are great!!!

My Gwamma gave me these markers....

and I love to color MYSELF!

Doesn't my shirt look great?

how 'bout my legs?

And my Unkie and Aunt Sue gave me Christmas money and look what I bought...

and one of my favorite things:


I'm exhausted now... off to take a bath and then night night...
Gotta go potty first though :)

Is he a hoot or what?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas with the Barbers and Coggeshalls

Hadley was injured and so Daddy (Uncle Lon) snuck some snuggle time in with T too!

Little cutie

Holden and Mr. T
Daddy is playing with his telescope from Grandpa Harold

Bumpa gets a gift from Mr. T.... (it was furniture markers for future issues he may cause)

Aunt Kimmie gets her iPad

Snuggle time with Lane

Coggeshall kids

Holt and Had checkin' out the Easy Bake Oven...

Had snuggles with Grandpa

Cousin time! Chocolate face!!

Christmas pic of our family....

Captain Barber (thanks to John Paleczny!)

Gifts from Lon and Kimmie

Bebah is getting plates from Sam... the paper plate signified :)

Merry Christmas - AGAIN!!